Return to Reason
Return to Reason shares a refreshing take on world events, culture, and issues of morality in a meaningful way. Although you may not agree with the opinions stated, you deserve to be fully informed, ready to handle every situation life throws at you. Anyone who has an appetite for the world to return to reason will enjoy this opinion column, TV show and podcast.

Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Message From Leon!
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Return to Reason is honoured to have had lawyers, doctors, politicians, and everyday citizens on the show to discuss important national and global issues.
Take time this week to enjoy an episode, and don't forget to become an insider to get all the latest updates and more from Leon.
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Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Carol Crosson
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Constitutional Lawyer, Carol Crosson, provides updates on cases she is pursuing in the courts. In her conversation with Leon Fontaine, she also mentions the courageous and heroic nature of her clients who are standing up for rights and freedoms.
Don't forget to become an insider to get all the latest updates and more from Leon.
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Friday Jun 03, 2022
Roman Baber
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Whoever wins the CPC leadership race in a few months will have an integral role in the House of Commons over the next few years. One candidate, Roman Baber, is a lawyer by trade and has served an Ontario MPP. Baber has been steadfast in his critique of the erosion of freedom of speech. In this conversation, he shares with Leon his plan to heal the Conservative Party of Canada, and the nation as a whole, saying he is ready to do what it takes.
Don't forget to become an insider to get all the latest updates and more from Leon.
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Thursday May 26, 2022
The Failure of NPIs Pt. 2: LOCKDOWNS
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Leon takes a look at numerous pieces of data, and hears from various experts, that suggest lockdowns did enormous amounts of damage to society, and have done very little to save people from covid infection. He challenges all viewers to look into this information for themselves and to communicate with their elected officials.
Don't forget to become an insider to get all the latest updates and more from Leon.
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Monday May 23, 2022
Preston Manning
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Hon. Preston Manning joins Leon for a candid and wisdom filled conversation about his latest writing: Report of the Covid Commission, which is a fictional futuristic look at relevant political developments in the post-covid period in Canada.
Don't forget to become an insider to get all the latest updates and more from Leon.
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Thursday May 19, 2022
Leighton Grey
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
Leighton Grey is an experienced civil and criminal lawyer who is handling a plethora of cases regarding covid policies that infringed on individual freedoms and human rights. He is returning as Leon's guest today to provide an update on some of these cases and his personal perspective on the current political and cultural landscape of Canada.
Don't forget to become an insider to get all the latest updates and more from Leon.
And, hear more from Leighton Grey through his podcast, Grey Matter.
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Friday May 13, 2022
James Topp
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
On February 20th, James Topp, a 28 year Armed Forces vet, started a historic march to Ottawa in protest of the erosion of freedoms, thousands being robbed of their careers and the national division Covid-19 public policies has caused. Leon chats with James as he marches across central Canada, and discussed the incredible support he's received from everyday Canadians along his journey.
Don't forget to become an insider to get all the latest updates and more from Leon.
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Friday May 13, 2022
Dr. Philip Salzman
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
Having studied anthropology, and various cultures, for over 50 years, Dr. Philip Carl Salzman has an enlightening conversation with Leon about trends in post-secondary, wokeism and the dangers of trendy political statements that are not based on facts.
Don't forget to become an insider to get all the latest updates and more from Leon.
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Wednesday May 11, 2022
Tasha Fishman
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
When the covid narrative & pandemic hysteria threatened her kids, Tasha Fishman took it upon herself to research the history and track record of what she calls "the elites' playbook"; In this engaging interview, Leon & Tasha talk about ideology in the school system, censorship and government overreach.
Don't forget to become an insider to get all the latest updates and more from Leon.
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Friday May 06, 2022
Faytene Grasseschi
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
Leon & Faytene discuss how few Canadians it takes to change the results of any election. With statistical data to support their conversation, you'll learn about how the need for civic engagement is more crucial than ever. As the director of 4myCanada, Faytene, invites all viewers to attend her "Engage" tour dates, in person or virtually.
Don't forget to become an insider to get all the latest updates and more from Leon.
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