Return to Reason
Return to Reason shares a refreshing take on world events, culture, and issues of morality in a meaningful way. Although you may not agree with the opinions stated, you deserve to be fully informed, ready to handle every situation life throws at you. Anyone who has an appetite for the world to return to reason will enjoy this opinion column, TV show and podcast.

Wednesday May 24, 2023
Where is all the Money Going? | Matthew Lau
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Undeniably, the cost of everything has risen. Jeremy Prest learns what the role of big government is in our economy today, and what track record says about their ability to solve problems. With years of experience in the banking industry and who's popular columns can be seen regularly in the Financial Post, you’ll love Matthew Lau’s no-nonsense explanations of supply & demand tension, the inflationary price of goods and the failures of environmental social governance movement.
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Tuesday May 23, 2023
America’s Turmoil will be Canada’s Strife | Leaders on the Frontier
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
David Leis welcomes well-known and highly published policy analyst Jeffrey Tucker to sort through what all went wrong in America since 2020 and where things are at today in terms of public trust, the blunders of bureaucracy and the shocking public-sector control mechanisms. David discusses the parallels within Canada and challenges citizens to get informed, involved, and active for the good of future generations and our way of life.

Monday May 22, 2023
Big Failures with the C-19 Vax Roll Out | Dr. William Makis
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
The deliberate silencing of different medical opinions has cost people their lives.
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Wednesday May 17, 2023
Canada’s Dangerous Migration towards Digital ID | Luke Neilson
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
David Craig is joined by Luke Neilson, Programs Coordinator at the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms who shares his legal opinion on the privacy and security concerns that Digital IDs could pose and impose on Canadian's day-to-day living. He challenges all viewers to learn what's going on now, while there is still time to let lawmakers know what you are and are not willing to give up in name of security.
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Tuesday May 16, 2023
Debunking Myths about Urban Sprawl | Leaders on the Frontier
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
David Leis' guest today, Randal O'Toole has dedicated decades of research and analysis to policies that help citizens live and thrive rather than be held hostage to the demands of green belts and bureaucratic restrictions. In this conversation he debunks myths about how North American cities ought to structure development to serve human behaviour rather than utopian urban plans that don't add up.

Monday May 15, 2023
Leaving God Behind | Grey Matter
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
Is the Canadian Charter of Rights a friend or foe of freedom?

Tuesday May 09, 2023
Understanding the Climate Debate | Leaders on the Frontier
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Climates do change, as they always have. So, what's the truth behind human-influence on climate?
David Leis learns this, and other fascinating perspectives into the high science academic community with Dr. William Happer; who has decades of experience in atomic physics, and adaptive optics; consulting several presidential science committees and teaching at Princeton University.
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Monday May 08, 2023
Social Media Weaponized Against Professors | Grey Matter
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
When did wokeism begin capturing academic institutions? Find out from someone on the inside.

Tuesday May 02, 2023
Who did Twitter Censor? | Leaders on the Frontier
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
What exactly happened during 2020 to deliberately hide the truth about the Wuhan Lab, therapeutic treatments for patients, age-stratified risk and the collateral damages of lockdowns? Two authors of the Great Barrington Declaration join David Leis for a well-rounded discussion on what truths have been revealed recently and why public health abandoned over 100 years of data and practices.

Monday May 01, 2023
Films that Confront Anti-Truths | Grey Matter
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
When he founded Good Kid Productions, Rob Montz wanted to see Netflix quality documentaries tackle the issues of the day with truth, even if they were politically uncomfortable, and in this discussion with Leighton Grey he details his latest projects are indeed fulfilling that vision: to create films that confront what he calls 'anti-truths'.
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