Return to Reason
Return to Reason shares a refreshing take on world events, culture, and issues of morality in a meaningful way. Although you may not agree with the opinions stated, you deserve to be fully informed, ready to handle every situation life throws at you. Anyone who has an appetite for the world to return to reason will enjoy this opinion column, TV show and podcast.

Monday Sep 11, 2023
Terrorism and Mental Health | Dr. Carole Lieberman
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
'The Terrorist Therapist' Author and American Psychiatrist, Dr. Carole Lieberman, shares her expertise on trauma and its effects on the human psyche with Leighton Grey. Together, they highlight current traumatic world affairs – the Ukraine and Russia unrest, past events – 9/11 and how 'terror' is still affecting societies today – COVID-19. But is all 'terrorism' equal? Who is trying to scare us? Why are they trying to scare us? How can we protect ourselves in the future to be mentally strong enough to distinguish 'terror' from 'manipulation'?

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Can Siloed Media be Reconciled? | Trish Wood
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
The people's voice should shape Canada's future. David Leis speaks with accomplished investigative journalist, Trish Wood, about the silos in media, the power of the conversation, and the pressure on the people to listen and implore critical thinking. Who puts the cult in culture? Does the loudest voice in the town square speak out of fear or authority?

Monday Sep 04, 2023
Hope Beyond the Pandemic | Dr. Peter McCullough
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Renowned Epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough joins Leighton Grey on today's revealing and shocking episode. Dr. McCullough sets a few records straight and takes Leighton on a deep dive into the aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic. What are the steps after COVID? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Watch to the end to hear about a new health venture presenting hope for a healthy future.

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Judge Rules Lockdowns Invalid | Leighton Grey
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Alberta lawyer and Host of the Grey Matter podcast, Leighton Grey joins David Leis to discuss the Ingram case, a monumental ruling where the Judge said lockdowns were invalid. As the conversations around mandates and future government plans swirl, we hear how this judicial decision may impact Albertans and their freedom. Has this decision moved the needle toward freedom? What does this mean for those charged or jailed for standing against previous mandates?

Monday Aug 28, 2023
How History Affects Our Future | Richard C. Lyons
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Leighton speaks with American author, Richard C. Lyons, as he unveils the prospects of our society's future by retelling the fascinating past of republics, democracy, and the tyrannical figures that inspired America's formation. The future often parallels the past, but what can we learn by rediscovering the past? Dive in and follow along for this informative conversation.

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
How to Rid Poverty on First Nations Reserves | Dale Swampy
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
National Coalition of Chiefs President, Dale Swampy, is committed to defeating on-reserve poverty, and today he expresses his views with David Leis. Outspokenly pro-development, Dale reveals why he believes that getting involved with the oil & gas industry in Canada and encouraging it's development responsibly, could be the key to ending poverty on reservations and encourage Canadians to work together to strengthen Canada's success.

Monday Aug 21, 2023
The Battle for Alberta | David Parker
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
There's a battle in Alberta that many don't know or see. David Parker, founder of Take Back Alberta, says for too long, Alberta's ruling elite have taken advantage of everyday people, thriving on political apathy and restricting freedoms. But things are turning around. Hear the power behind this movement, the change its inflicted in Alberta politics and how you can do the same.

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Children’s Education: Revolutionized | Caylan Ford
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Visionary founder of Canada's groundbreaking tuition-free charter school, Caylan Ford, shares her mission to promote a classical education with David in this two part interview. Putting emphasis on true, factual, unbiased education for young minds is a charge that Ford, and her talented team, are determined to lead. As they stand on the threshold of opening new campuses, we see a glimpse of their transformative work. This style of education could revolutionize teaching and empower future generations with timeless wisdom and profound learning experiences.

Monday Aug 14, 2023
Canadian Truckers: The Heroes We Needed | Chris Barber
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
We've all heard the story about the Ottawa Convoy but Chris Barber, one of the organizers of the convoy, reveals his side of the story with Leighton. His perspective sheds light on the influence of the media, behind the scenes on the politics, and the uncovered truth about what went on the grounds of the convoy. As the fight for freedom moves forward, heroic acts can be found in standing up for our rights, freedoms, and the truth. May we take inspiration from the truck drivers who took a stand.

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Solutions for Solid Education | Caylan Ford
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Visionary founder of Canada's groundbreaking tuition-free charter school, Caylan Ford, shares her mission to promote a classical education with David in this two part interview. Putting emphasis on true, factual, unbiased education for young minds is a charge that Ford, and her talented team, are determined to lead. As they stand on the threshold of opening new campuses, we see a glimpse of their transformative work. This style of education could revolutionize teaching and empower future generations with timeless wisdom and profound learning experiences.