Return to Reason
Return to Reason shares a refreshing take on world events, culture, and issues of morality in a meaningful way. Although you may not agree with the opinions stated, you deserve to be fully informed, ready to handle every situation life throws at you. Anyone who has an appetite for the world to return to reason will enjoy this opinion column, TV show and podcast.

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Housing Demand Exceeds Supply | Wendell Cox & Charles Blain
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
On Today's episode David Leis has a discussion with Urban Policy Analyst and Sr. Fellow at The Frontier Centre, Wendell Cox, and President of The Urban Reform Institute, Charles Blain about the current housing market crisis. Limited housing supply along with the desire for home ownership is driving home prices higher and higher. Would public pressure change residential planning policy? Watch to find out.

Monday Nov 20, 2023
How to Become Healthier & Less Likely to be Manipulated | Jason Christoff
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
On today's episode, Leighton Grey has a truly mind blowing conversation with health and self-sabotage Expert, Jason Christoff, about the health and wellness of our psyche. We are consuming more negative information now than ever, but how does that leave us vulnerable to manipulation? Are there ways for us to protect ourselves from the propaganda we, sometimes unknowingly, consume? The ways in which we can be manipulated by propaganda in our day to day lives may surprise you.

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Parents Seeking Common Sense Education | Michael Zwaagstra
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
It may have seemed that at one time parents felt they could trust the educators of their children. Fast forward to these years of wokeness and parents are butting into the process and demanding more transparency and influence over what the Canadian education system is teaching their children. Teacher Michael Zwaagstra is on the show and reveals what's really going on in the classroom.

Monday Nov 13, 2023
Incredible Sacrifices, Unbreakable Bonds | Colonel Eric Buer
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
In his book "Ghosts of Baghdad" US Marine Helicopter pilot, Colonel Eric Buer takes Leighton Grey inside the cockpit of his Cobra attack helicopter. Eric's insights provide a deeper look into the laments of warfare, the sacrifices of duty, and the importance of the bonds he forged with his fellow soldiers. The life of the Marine is marked by struggle and sacrifice, teamwork and duty.

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
How to Woke-Proof Your Life | Teresa Mull
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Have you ever dreamt that you were awake only to be alarmed to find out it had been a dream? Wokeness can be seen as far back as the times of the Greeks and the Romans with the belief in Morpheus a son of Hypnos the god of sleep. In today's episode David Leis speaks with Author and Policy Analyst, Teresa Mull. Tune in to this interview to hear the call to community family and identity, outside the matrix of "sleep" and distraction.

Monday Nov 06, 2023
Has Canadian banking lost its lustre to woke agendas? | Brett Oland
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
The world is ever moving towards digitalization, including how we interact with our banks. Is it all for the sake of convenience or could there be a deeper political agenda? Freezing accounts, missing funds, and a fully digital currency are only a few reasons Brett Oland, CEO and President of Bow Valley Credit Union, and Leighton Grey discuss why citizens should be concerned about their financial safety. Protecting your money and having full control over where you invest could be the key to preventing government overreach into Canadian bank accounts. You don't want to miss this one.

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Public Regulation of Personal Health | Shawn Buckley
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
David Leis welcomes back Constitutional Lawyer and President of the Natural Health Products Association, Shawn Buckley, to the show in an all-important discussion. Shawn exposes how government overreach impacts the Natural Health Industry and why citizens should be concerned for their personal autonomy. Naturally derived remedies have been used for centuries, safely and effectively with minimal need for regulation. So why then, has the government decided to now place heavy regulation to natural health products in Canada while the amount of death and injuries from chemical health products have only risen? Find out why on today's episode.

Monday Oct 30, 2023
Woke Changes the Courts and Country | Thomas Flanagan
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Borrowed money and political directives are changing the course and courts of our Nation. Thomas Flanagan and host, Leighton Grey dive deeper into why the progressive ideology is replete in the public life of Canada. Who benefits from the change in thought and law? You don't want to miss out on Thomas and Leighton discussing the court cases, political directives and the possible financial disaster of the nation's borrowed billions.

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Ideology and the Isolation of Canada | Joe Oliver
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
What are the safeguards that a government should use to protect the prosperity of its people and industry? David Leis and former Minister of Finance the Hon. Joe Oliver discuss the financial blunders of those who say budgets balance themselves. How can Canada's government work to avoid arriving at the tipping point of a financial crisis? Can Canada's government borrow its way into prosperity? David Leis and Joe Oliver discuss just that.

Monday Oct 23, 2023
How are ideologies dividing Canada’s identity? | James Lindsay
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
American author and Cultural Critic, James Lindsay, has defined Canada as "The 'Woke-ist' Country in the World". If that is the perception of Canada's identity, why do many Canadians feel that there is dissonance between the way Canada is being governed, the policies that are being made, and the way we actually think and feel? Canada's true identity requires unity. James and Leighton breakdown the meaning of Critical Race Theory, and other divisive ideologies that are dividing Canada's identity and people on today's episode.